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Persian Machine made carpets price

Some Persian machine-made carpets have high prices compared to other carpets in their category due to their superior quality. In this part, we will discuss and compare the different types of machine-made carpets based on the type and composition of their fibers. We will then discuss and compare the different types of machine-made carpets based on their pile and density, as well as the best machine-made carpets. And we will discuss the most expensive carpet manufactured by machines in Iran. Before purchasing a machine carpet, it is essential to be informed of the many types of machine carpets available on the market. Persian carpets Woolen, Acrylic, Polyester, Silk and polypropylene machine-made carpets are the main categories of machine-made carpets based on the type of fibers they are formed from.

The effect of the fibers on the carpet price

Acrylic carpets are more durable and have a longer lifespan than BCF, and polyester carpets. These carpets can be maintained and utilized for over 300 years, but BCF and polyester carpets have a short lifespan. In a very short period of time, they will lose their softness. In terms of shortening (swelling), the change in acrylic carpets over time-based on the length of usage or wear is negligible enough to be disregarded, but this issue is observable in other types of machine-made carpets. Thus, with time, the length or width of the carpet will become twisted or reduced. In terms of washing and exposure to light, we observe no changes in acrylic carpets, but this is the case with BCF, mixed, and polyester carpets, which causes the carpet’s appearance and beauty to deteriorate rapidly. Acrylic carpets have a strong resistance to direct heat; therefore, one of the characteristics that distinguish acrylic carpets from other carpets is the heat test, which allows you to use a hot iron on the carpet without damaging it, whereas BCF and polyester fibers are susceptible to damage.

Acrylic carpet is not affected by wear, but BCF and polyester undergo corrosion or deterioration over time. Acrylic carpets cannot be compared to BCF carpets, or polyester carpets in terms of their enduring beauty. However, one of the downsides of acrylic carpets is that they are not quickly absorbed by nature, whereas BCF and polyester are gradually pulverized, dispersed in space, and absorbed by nature. Therefore, the acrylic carpet has a higher price than other materials.

The effect of the Reeds and Density on the carpet price

Carpet density refers to the number of color knots woven into the carpets and affects their prices. Each carpet has two forms of density: longitudinal density and transverse density. The carpet’s transverse density is known as its reeds. The reeds of the carpet is generally measured in terms of the number of color knots per meter and is regarded as the most important aspect in determining the price of the carpet since, as the reeds increases, the patterns become more intricate. Examining the carpet’s reverse and counting the number of knots is a simple method for determining the carpet’s pile. For instance, if a carpet has 1000 reeds, it must have 1000 knots per meter of width (for easier calculation, it can be said that there should be 100 knots in 10 cm of the carpet). Similar to transverse density, longitudinal density is computed down the length of the carpet using its weft density.

In machine made carpets, the longitudinal density (i.e., the number of color knots along the length of the carpet) is obtained by dividing the weft density by 3, i.e., when a carpet has a density of 2,550, then 850 knots are woven into each meter of its length. On a lesser scale, the computation is the same; for instance, a carpet with a longitudinal density of 2,550 should have 85 knots per 10 centimeters. Lastly, the carpet’s worth and price will increase proportionally to its density. According to this standard, Iranian machine-made carpets are produced with 340 combs, 500 combs, 700 combs, 1000 combs, 1200 combs, 1500 combs, and most recently, 1700 combs. The density of a carpet increases as its number of cross knots increases. Typically, 1500 comb carpets are manufactured with a density of 4500.

Conclusion on carpet pricing

According to what has been stated, the prices of carpets belongs to their reeds and density. So, the most expensive machine-made rugs in Iran and the globe are currently 1700 comb carpets, which have an extraordinarily high level of elegance, followed by1500 comb, 1200 comb carpets, 1000 comb carpets, 700 comb carpets, and 500 comb carpets. Carpets with a high density, i.e. 1500 and 1200 combs, have more elegance, softness, flexibility, and beauty, but a smaller diameter (piled thread height) than carpets with a lower density, 700 and 500 combs. In other words, carpets with 700 and 500 reeds are softer and lighter than carpets with 1000 and 1200 reeds. Another aspect of the most expensive machine-made carpets is that brand-specific pricing varies according to the product’s quality level and pricing strategy.

It is also essential to keep in mind that there is a wide range of quality when it comes to acrylic fibers. Carpets that are woven from superb acrylic yarn are the only ones that will be long-lasting and of superior quality. Although the price of the carpet is primarily determined by the type of fiber, low-quality acrylic yarns have a great deal of fluff and, over time, become crushed, hard, and abrasive.